niedziela, 30 grudnia 2018

Filmy roku 2018 wg Almodovara, Obamy, del Toro

W ostatnich dniach swoje listy ulubionych filmów 2018 roku przedstawiło wielu znaczących twórców współczesnego kina, ale także cenionych osób z życia publicznego. W tym gronie zwracam uwagę na wybory Pedro Almodovara, byłego prezydenta USA Baracka Obamy, Edgara Wrighta, Debry Granik i Guillermo del Toro. Często pojawia się tutaj „Zimna wojna”, ale co ciekawe zauważono też  „Twarz” Małgorzaty Szumowskiej.

Pedro Almodovar

1. “Roma” (Alfonso Cuarón)
2. “Cold War” (Pawel Pawlikowski)
3. “Dogman” (Matteo Garrone)
4. “Shoplifters” (Hirokazu Kore-eda)
5. “The Guilty” (Gustav Möller)
6. “First Reformed” (Paul Schrader)
7. “Capernaum” (Nadine Labaki)
8. “The Favourite” (Yorgos Lanthimos)
9. “The Rider” (Chloé Zhao)
10. “Entre dos aguas” (Isaki Lacuesta)

Guillermo del Toro (najlepsze filmy bez wskazania miejsc)

“You Were Never Really Here”
“Leave No Trace”
“The Rider”
“First Man”
“Sorry to Bother You”
“Killing” (Tsukamoto)
“The Favourite”
“First Reformed”

Andrew Haigh

“Mission: Impossible – Fallout”
“The Wild Pear Tree”
“You Were Never Really Here”
“22 July”
“Cold War”

Kimberly Peirce

1. “Cold War” (Pavel Pawlikowski): An erotic, mature political love story inspired by Pavel’s parents and the Cold War era they endured. I was enthralled throughout, by the sexuality, performances and lush cinematography. For me, it was a welcome return to Fellini’s “8 ½” and “La Dolce Vita.” And Joanna Kulig’s transformation from a manipulative teenage girl making love in the field to a plump, fallen performer with mascara running down her face at the end was breathtaking.
2. “Capernaum” (Nadine Labaki)
3. “Roma” (Alfonso Cuaron)
4. “The Favourite” (Yorgos Lanthimos)
5. “Blindspotting” (Carlos Lopez Estrada)

Edgar Wright

“Eighth Grade”
“They Shall Not Grow Old”
“Can You Ever Forgive Me?”
“Cold War”
“Mission Impossible: Fallout”
“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”

Debra Granik

Ta reżyserka, autorka zeszłorocznego „Leave No Trace” podzieliła swoje ulubione filmy 2018 roku na kilka list. Osobne miejsce znalazło się dla dokumentów, filmów lubianych jako matka nastoletniego dziecka, filmów amerykańskich i w końcu filmów z innych miejsc. IndieWire cytuje reżyserkę, która mówi o tym ostatnim zestawieniu i wymienia tam film Małgorzaty Szumowskiej (tekst w oryginale):


I started the year with loving “The Other Side Of Hope” (Finland), which was a 2017 release, but only shown in NY in 2018. It took on immigration and issues of threat and survival with dry comedy. I admire Kaurismäki for his ability to do this.

“Yomeddine” (Egypt): I thought the performance of the lead was astounding. I was in love with his method of survival. I was incredulous. I was shown something I’ve never seen.

“Capernaum” (Lebanon): A forceful and textured depiction the protagonist’s existence. The details of his day to day and survival tactics were exactingly photographed. The film imprints on you and makes you want something for another person. Labaki’s film does what a hard hitting social realist film can do — commits one to witness a life outside one’s own, what it takes to live it, and how precious help is. How she filmed in such hard places and got the performances left me in awe.

“Land Imagined” (Singapore): I liked being transported to a place and set of existential issues that were not familiar. I was impressed with the social realist techniques applied in a fresh way.

“The Pluto Moment” (China): The humor was very appealing to me, and I felt like I got to see locations and aspects of Chinese filmmaking that I’d never been introduced to. The structure and the mixing of genres and techniques kept my filmmaking side alert and well fed.

“En Guerre” (France): I rejoice when I see the overtly political film that can keep suspense in the mix. Few can make films about the contemporary fight for survival among the 99% and dare to confront management face to face.

“Shéhérazade” (France): I thought the casting was searingly strong. I hesitate about some of the material that is familiar about the streets, but so much was precise, that in the end, I was super dazzled by the force and determination of the filmmaking and ended up appreciating that it had a number of fresh and incisive twists.

“Todo Lo Demas” (Mexico, exhibited in NY 2018): This satirical take on everyday life in Mexico City. Excited to check in with contemporary Mexican filmmaking whenever I can.

“Mug” (Poland, “Twarz” is original title): Director: Malgorzata Szumowska. This one just took me by surprise. I was enveloped by the atmosphere and the setting. I was thrown into a whole fresh set of ideas to contemplate. I like comedy in the midst of social realism.

Szerokie zestawienie ulubionych filmów przygotował IndieWire i znaleźć można je tutaj.

Na zakończenie prezentuję jeszcze listę ulubionych filmów Baracka Obamy, który jak widać ogląda dużo, a jego zestawienie jest bardzo interesujące:

Black Panther
The Death of Stalin
Eighth Grade
If Beale Street Could Talk
Leave No Trace
Minding the Gap
The Rider
Support the Girls
Won't You Be My Neighbor

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